
New feature


It's been a while since we gave any news but we've worked hard to improve the application.

In September, we added a new feature, reporting.

This feature allows you to report a problem at a given location by attaching a photo or video to your message.

Unlike an alert that is used to report a problem concerning your own safety, a report is a way to report something you are witnessing, such as a degradation with a photo.

The report is not send to your contacts but to the supervisor of the area.

How does the tracking work

What for ?

The tracking is used to record your GPS tracks during a hike, a walk or any movement.
To use it, you need to ENABLE THE TRACKING (it works as a countdown, e.g : I assume that I will jog for about 1 hour)
If I was not able to stop the countdown before its end, my saviors will receive the alerts. 

Enabling the tracking

The tracking has to be enabled in order for it to work, it also requires you to enter a start time and an ending time (for the countdown)

Then, you can click on the icons (Man/Bike/Car/Eco) according to your means of locomotion, because the frequency of the GPS position recorded will not be the same according to the filter you chose (e.g : if you go for a run, click on the man icon and your tracks will be recorded every 65ft.

During the tracking (if the countdown is over)
Your saviors will receive your alerts in real time on their phone, by email, and they will be able to see on the website (once logged into their account) the whole route you took since you enabled the tracking mode.
If you chose the man icon, your saviors will receive your positions (your alerts) every 65ft.
If you do not move, they will receive the alerts every 9 minutes.

During the tracking (while you and the countdown are running)
Your GPS positions are recorded, but your saviors doesn't receive any alert, they cannot know where you are.

During the tracking (if the countdown is over)
Your saviors will receive your alerts in real time on their phone, by email, and they will be able to see on the website (once logged into their account) the whole route you took since you enabled the tracking mode.
If you chose the man icon, your saviors will receive your positions (your alerts) every 65ft.
If you do not move, they will receive the alerts every 9 minutes.

End the tracking

The tracking can be deactivated by clicking on the "DEACTIVATE THE TRACKING"

If you came back safe at home, do not forget to DEACTIVATE the tracking (countdown) or else your saviors will receive all the notifications, sound alerts and emails until you end it.

Online help


Registration can be done  :

On the website, following this link :

Or on the app, by clicking this button "Register" on the login screen :


To register, you need to complete the following :

  • First name
  • Last name
  • Email*
  • Password
  • Phone number
  • Date of birth
  • Gender

 ( * Must be unique and valid, it cannot be changed later )

In case of "email already being used" : click here to figure out a solution.

I forgot my password

You can create a new password  :

Following this link :

Or on the app, by clicking "I forgot my password" on the login screen :


You need to enter your email adress and you will receive a new password in your mailbox.

Add a Savior

To alert a third person, in other words a relative, he must have downloaded the application and agree to receive your alerts.

You can add relatives in two ways:

  • Via the mobile application : you go to the "Saviors" tab. You press the (+) icon and complete the information of the person you want to add (name, first name, email and phone).
  • Via the website : you go to the "Saviors" tab. You press the (+) icon and enter the information of the person you want to add (name, first name, email).

In all cases, the person will receive your alerts from the moment they have accepted your request to be added as Alerts. They receive your request by email, and are free to "accept" or "refuse".

Your relatives receive your alerts by :

  • Notification on the phone (text + sound alert)
  • E-mail
  • Text message (Always with Android, On IOS only when internet is unavailable)



1. Click on the Saviors tab on the menu

2. You need to go to the list
Then click on the (+) button

3. Now you need to enter the following :

  • First name
  • Last name
  • Email address*
  • Phone number

( * Must be unique and valid, it cannot be changed later )


Once logged in, go the the Saviors tab

Then, click on the (+) button to display the Add a Savior form

Now enter the following :

  • First name
  • Last name
  • Email address*

( * Must be unique and valid, it cannot be changed later )


Accept the request of a warner

In order to receive the alerts from someone, both of you need to download the app and accept the email request of the warner.

To accept the request :

  • Through the app : go to the Warners tab, then in Pending request in the menu you can accept or deny it.
  • Through the website, go to the Warners tab, click on the () icon.
  • Through the email you received, just click on the « Accept the request ».

You will receive an email of confirmation.
In any case, you will not receive any alert as long as you did not accept the request the Warner sent to you.

You are alerted by :

  • A notification on your phone (text + sound alert)
  • Email
  • Text message (for iOS users, only if you have access to Internet)



If you already have the App when the warner sends you the request, you will receive a notification

Click on it :

1. Else click on the Warners tab on the menu

2. You must go the your Warners list
Then click on the Waiting tab

3. Accept the request


Once logged in, go to the Warners tab

Then, click on () to accept the request



Go to your mailbox (make sure to check your spam folder) and click on "Accept the request".

Send an alert

Requirements : to send a GeoAlert, you have to :

  • Turn the mobile data and the GPS on
  • Have at least 1 Savior in your list (who has accepted the request you previously sent)


In case of emergency, to send a GeoAlert press the red button

The glass breaks, press a second time the red button

Once the first alert has been sent, you will be able to clarify your emergency by clicking on the appropriate button : a second alert will be sent.

Once you clarified your emergency, you will be able to enter some text to provide, if needed, more details.

Each time you clarify your emergency, you send a new alert.

Set your profile up

Setting your profile up can only be done on the website.

You need to log into your account following this link :

In order to save your modifications (it does not save by itself), click on the floppy disk icon.

Click on the profile picture (male or female) on the top left corner to change your profile picture.

A profile is personal, you cannot change the profile of a Warner (someone who sends you an alert) or a Savior from your list (who receives your alerts)


Complete your health record

You have to enter your health information on the website.

To do that you need to log into your account following this link :

In order to save your modifications (it does not save by itself), click on the disquette icon.

See your GPS location

This function allows you to see your current position on the map.

To use it click on the GPS (see red arrow).

The interface will show you :

  • your latitude
  • your longitude
  • your altitude
  • and the precision of your geolocation.

View the alerts

On the app, you can access both the received and sent alerts with the menu.

List of received alerts

Android version

By clicking on an Alert, you will see more details about it such as :

  • the person who sent it
  • the address
  • the latitude
  • the longitude
  • the date time
  • the type of the alert and the additional text message if there is one

By clicking on (...) you will be given 4 choices :

  • OPTIONS (to view the road map or satellite map)
  • SHARE (you can share the alert features by email or text message)
  • LOCATE (2 locations are displayed : your own and the one of the alert you received)
  • FOLLOW (follow the route taken towards the alert)

iOS version

By clicking on an Alert, you will see more details about it such as :

  • the person who sent it
  • the address
  • the latitude
  • the longitude
  • the date time
  • the type of the alert and the additional text message if there is one


There is, on the top of the screen, the Launch button, you can click it to follow the route towards the alert

By scrolling down the interface, the Options button will show up, as well as a Share button.

The Share button is used to send the details of the alert by email or text message.


Once Options is pressed, you will be given 2 choices :

  • View the roadmap, the satellite map or the hybrid one
  • Locate (2 locations are displayed : your own and the one of the alert you received)


Send a GPS position

Sending a position actually sends a message with the GPS location to a Savior of your list you need to choose, whereas a GeoAlert is sent to all the people in your list.

This person will receive your GPS position by email and notification on the phone.

The purpose of the report

The report is used to inform a professional of an incident occuring on a marked out perimeter. The professional supervisor can be a transport authority, a town hall, a private company, a ski resort, an apartment block... To make it easier for the professional to intervene, ICE GeoAlert relays the following information to him :

  • The GPS location of the report
  • The date and time
  • The type of report (e.g : degradation, incivilité, safety...)
  • Specifications if there are some (photo, video or text )
  • Only the professional supervising the area can receive your reports. Your Saviors cannot.

    How to send a report


    I click once to break the glass, then I click on the orange button REPORT


    I choose the type of report I want to send


    I take a picture by clicking once, or I hold it to make a video


    I send the report

    For any further information, please do not hesitate to contact the ICE GeoAlert team :

    Email already used

    This message is displayed when someone has added you in person to contact in an emergency.
    An account has been automatically pre-filled for you, so you do not have to create an account but to finalize the registration if you wish.

    If you accept the request, you will receive an email with a temporary password.
    Simply log in using your email as login/identifier and the password received
    If you have not received this email, it is preferable to go to the following address to request a new password:

    You can then change the password on your profile via the website.